Brian Cox to get another BBC series

BBCProfessor Brian Cox is to front another documentary series for the BBC following the success of his five-part series Wonders of the Solar System on BBC Two.


Professor Brian Cox is to front another documentary series for the BBC following the success of his five-part series Wonders of the Solar System on BBC Two. The series looked at several ‘Wonders’ within our solar system as picked by Brian Cox who explained how the laws of physics affected them; amongst the wonders he picked were the rings of Saturn and the moons Io and Europa. The series concluded on Sunday evening with its final part which looked at the possibility of life elsewhere in our Solar System. The five part series proved to be a ratings hit for BBC Two with an average of 3 million viewers per episode.


However, it did seem unlikely that Cox would front any further shows in the near future because of his plans to return to teaching. A spokesperson told The Mirror though that Professor Brian Cox would be fronting a new series for them which would air next year. The new series will be called Universal and examine the laws of the universe. Cox recently appeared on Friday Night with Jonathan Ross and you can watch a clip of him on the chat-show by clicking here >>