Classic Doctor Who enemy to return?

Doctor WhoA classic enemy from the original series of Doctor Who is reportedly to return to the BBC sci-fi series for its seventh season.

Warning: May contain mild spoilers.

Doctor Who TV report that the 1960s monster the Yeti could make a return in the next series of Doctor Who. The Yeti, in terms of Doctor Who, were robots controlled by the ‘Great Intelligence’, a non-corporal life-form. The robots were covered in fur on Earth and thus looked like the mythological creatures.

The Yeti appeared in two Doctor Who stories during Patrick Troughton’s tenure as the Doctor; The Abominable Snowmen and The Web of Fear which introduced Nicholas Courtney’s character to the series. The creatures also had a small, cameo appearance, in the 1983 anniversary story The Five Doctors in which one menaced the Doctor and the Brigadier. The Yeti also appeared in the 1990s straight-to-dvd spin-off Downtime.

The Yeti have been rumoured to return to Doctor Who several times. The latest rumours have been sparked by concept art, released by Peter McKinstry, for a 21st style Yeti. Last year new producer Marcus Patrick TroughtonWilson told the Doctor Who Magazine there were plans to bring back several old enemies, from the original series, for the seventh season. Wilson told the magazine ‘We’ve got a couple of returning monsters, some old fan favourites, but we’re going to move them on a bit,..That’s how they were done in the 60s or 70s. Here’s what we can do with them now.’

There have been constant rumours of the years about which enemies from the original series will be resurrected for the revived show. Amongst those most often rumoured are the Ice Warriors, the Zygons and the devious Time Lady, The Rani (played by Kate O’Mara). Foes from the original series to have been revived so far include the Daleks (and Davros), the Cybermen, the Autons, The Sontarans, The Silurians and the Master (played by Derek Jacobi and John Simm)

(Via Blastr and Doctor Who TV)