BBC’s Pure Soap Site axed
As part of the on-going look at the future of the BBC Television and Radio remit, a recent report commissioned by the government has decided that the corporation should ‘redefine the remit of its online services’ and one of those such services to be axed is the popular Pure Soap site.Obviously the Labour government aim to give the BBC the same kind of, cough, quality, cough, websites as ITV. Football fans will be pleased to know the football version of Pure Soap remains: Mr Graf, who wrote the report, obviously has his personal likes and dislikes.
“Which is why I often wonder why PM Fony Blair and his cover-up cronies commission one person to make a report rather than a group. Then again, its A) (Allegedly) Easier to bribe one person and B) (Allegedly) You’re able to choose someone who will come out with the result you want. (Hutton anyone?)” says soap expert Chris Stacey
We’re not one to be political on this site too much, but well I guess the Labour government have kept whitewash sales up in the UK over the past few years, however I guess it was bought abroad.
You can find out much more on this at the BBC News pages HERE
“The Pure Soap team are apparently talking with the BBC to see if they can find a future for Pure Soap elsewhere, so we’ll let you know the outcome. Of course Pure Soap was such a good site even ITV linked to it for Crossroads rather than do their own site for many months!” says ATV reporter Mike Watkins.