Kieth Olbermann quits MSNBC

One of the most prominent figures on MSNBC shocked his viewers Friday evening announcing that it was his last show for the network.

One of the most prominent figures on MSNBC shocked his viewers Friday evening announcing that it was his last show for the network.


At the end of ‘Countdown with Kieth Olbermann’ he told viewers that it was his last show. His left leaning stance was the main rival to the right of politics stance from Bill O’Reilly on Fox News. Olbermann’s show was MSNBC’s most watched programme.

MSNBC thanked Keith for his role in making MSNBC the success it is today however the MSNBC President would not comment on Olbermann’s exit from the network. Olbermann had signed a four year contract with MSNBC, although this has been cut short two years early. It’s not known if has been paid off, or where Olbermann will end up next.

He was suspended last year after the network found out about political donations that he had made.