Cameron dodges questions over BSkyB discussions
Prime Minister David Cameron was asked several times today if he had discussions with senior News International executives regarding BSkyB.
The Prime Minister was asked several times in the House of Commons to disclose if he had any discussions with Rebekah Brooks regarding the BSkyB takover. News Corporation was looking to take full control of BSkyB, but withdrew after pressure due to the phone hacking scandal.
David Cameron said when asked: “I have never had one inappropriate conversation.” Questions have continued throughout the debate prompting the PM to dodge them by reiterating that he had no inappropriate conversations, refusing to answer a yes or no on whether the BSkyB takeover bid had been mentioned. The Prime Minister revealed last week all his engagements that he has had since he became PM with senior media officals.
“The cabinet secretary has ruled very clearly that the code was not broken, not least because I had asked to be entirely excluded from the decision” – PM David Cameron